
Showing posts from 2020

Blog: Next New

Interactive holographic technology is going to be the next big thing. Holography is a photographic technique that uses light (ie. lasers) to produce a recording in a three-dimensional form. Many companies that produce holograms are doing a lot of research to create an innovative and immersive experience for its users. This means that holograms won't just be projections, but a technology that we can interact with and move. Technology like this will be useful in many industries, especially medicine. I imagine this type of technology to be extremely useful in medical schools and hospitals, where they can simulate medical situations and surgeries. Further in the future, I imagine this technology to be available to everyone in industries such as social media and video games. Holography has great potential, and I can't wait to see the innovations engineers will create with it.

Blog: Wiki So Far

Although I haven't contributed to the class Wiki page yet, there are a couple of the main pages that I'm interested in, which are Photography and Dance. Photography and dance are my favorite hobbies and with the COVID-19 pandemic, it's been difficult to participate in these activities. However, I've been researching ways in developing these hobbies through the Internet or within my home. With my research, I plan on adding sections to the pages such as "Online Dance Sources" for the Dance page and "Photo Editing Software" for the Photography page where I will discuss Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom.

Blog: P2P

Frequent users of the internet have most likely come across the term "P2P," which is an abbreviation for peer-to-peer. P2P is mainly used to help computers and devices work collaboratively as well as share resources. One of the most common P2P networks is file sharing. According to Jamie King's article, "Take Advantage of P2P - not fear it," file sharing is the transmission of computer data between two computer parties over a network or the Internet. It provides efficiency to its users by allowing them to simultaneously work on the same document despite the person's location or computer access. A subdivision of file sharing is P2P file sharing. This lets users access files through a software program that searches and locates the wanted file from computers that contain that file. An example of P2P file sharing is Limewire. This software lets users search, share and download files from the Internet. Other examples include Gnutella, eMule, and Shareaza.


How can Baruch use new media? With the COVID-19 pandemic suddenly changing the education environment, I have to give some credit to Baruch in its success at implementing distance learning. Baruch already offers a good amount of classes that take place either partially online or fully online. However, there are many things Baruch can do to make better use of technology and thrive in this digital age. Innovative Content Curation Baruch College has accounts on all the main social media platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. However, their content doesn't do so much to attract potential students. They need to curate content that will get students interested more in the school. Some ideas would be making a video collage of current students sharing their experiences at Baruch, or even marketing Baruch's clubs is engaging. Webinars Thanks to online conferences like Zoom and streaming services like Twitch, it's easy to have a virtual lesson or webinar


"What goes on the Internet, stays on the Internet." It's a saying we've all heard and know too well.  We all have the right to have some secrecy about our personal information but unfortunately, a ny information or photos put on the Internet is always at risk of being revealed to the public. If you think that you have privacy on social media, well then think again. Internet privacy does not exist. When you're shopping for new clothes, posting a picture on Instagram, or even talking to your friend about how you want to travel to Greece, your audience is much bigger than you think. Many third-party applications store and collect your data using what is called cookies. You probably noticed that most of the sites you visit often have a banner that says something along the lines of "this site uses cookies to better your experience" and then you have the choice to either accept the cookies or reject them. You can thank the Cookie Law for this one. In May

Creativity and New Media

One of my favorite hobbies is photography. I love the idea of looking at the world in a different perspective and being able to capture that perspective with the click of a button. Thanks to social media, I'm able to share my content with people around the world. However, I don't just post the raw image onto social media. I like to get to creative with it, and display it in ways that are more aesthetic and pleasing to people's eyes. My main source of showcasing my content is Instagram. I either post my content through the Instagram feed itself, or through Instagram stories. To make my content more appealing, I use this mobile app called mojo . It's a video editing app that gives life and animation to my photos. I love using it to create Instagram stories. Below, is a link where you can see an Instagram Story I created using mojo to share some pictures from my solo trip to Puerto Rico!

HW Creativity

New media such as social media sites, mobile apps, and audio and video streaming services have paved new ways to inspire creativity. With sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and Reddit, you have a whole network of people at your hands. This network gives you access to a wide range of opinions, thoughts, and information. Having this type of diversity at your hands will cultivate your creativity, filling your head with innovative ideas. Other sites such as Instagram, Youtube, and Pinterest give you visual inspiration through pictures, videos, and blog posts. For me, I love using Instagram to find new outfit ideas, and I use Pinterest to find new recipes I can try out in the kitchen. Social media can even help with the marketing strategies of businesses! In her article , Lisa Mulcahy discusses the different ways to incorporate user generated content in your social media marketing strategy. She touches base on getting video testimonials from customers and gives customer engagement ideas

Modeling Reality with Virtual Worlds

In elementary school, I used to spend hours either on Club Penguin or ourWorld , playing games, designing my home, and chatting with other users. At 10 years old, I was having the time of my life living vicariously through my hot pink penguin. If you're like me and had a Club Penguin account, then you've been a part of a virtual world. A virtual world is a three dimensional online simulation that allows for multiple users to interact with each other allow. Users can make an account and design their own avatar, or character, to represent him or her in that environment. Popular virtual worlds include Second Life , World of WarCraft , and now, virtual reality. Before, virtual worlds used to just be an online multiplayer game. Now, virtual worlds are more than just a game. In this CNN article , Mark Tutton discusses how Second Life has added a new tool that allows businesses to hold virtual meetings. This tool allows businesses to access the virtual world through their own pri

Blog About Twitter

When it comes to discussion, I prefer any other way, as long as it's NOT Blackboard. Personally, Blackboard does not have the best visuals to see a flow of conversations happening. I don't like how I have to click a "next" button in order to see a whole new thread. I would rather have it all on one page like Twitter. I love reading Twitter threads. They're visually appealing, and I love how I can read the discussion as if it was happening right in front of me. Twitter makes it so easy to have an open conversation on a certain topic. Plus, I love how you can comment on someone's tweet by tweeting it yourself and adding a comment, so users don't have to click to see the original tweet. However, nothing will ever beat an in-class discussion. With in-class discussions, you're not limited to expressing your opinion to only 280 characters. You can use your own voice without limitations. Plus, in-class discussions reveal the most raw part about opinions.

Blog: Social Networking Sites

As a college student in 2020, I own a lot of accounts on various social networking sites. Currently, I have an account on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn, and I'm most active on Instagram and LinkedIn. Facebook used to be my most used social media account, but over the years, I've switched to Instagram. I mainly use Facebook to stay updated if I'm in a group for something such as a class, a dance team, or a club. Facebook makes it super easy to schedule things, instantly message, and post information for large groups of people. However, I don't really use Facebook to post about me or to get external information. Twitter is also a social network I don't use too often. Don't get me wrong, I love Twitter and I think it's one of the most useful social networking sites out there. I love the way its set up where I can see my friends' updates, but also updates about news happening outside my social circle. I definitely appreciate their "Top

Blog Social Networking

It's almost impossible to be a college student in 2020 without having any type of social network profile. When the Internet became accessible everywhere and companies created technology innovative enough to have a small computer in your hand, social networking skyrocketed. One of the most prominent social networks is Facebook. Initially, Facebook acted as a way for friends to stay connected with each other despite the number of miles that separated time. Now, Facebook and other social media networks can be and are used for more than constant connection.  Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook, told Clive Thompson of the New York Times , that "News Feed is central to Facebook's success." The addition of News Feed to Facebook created discussion and helped start trends. It allowed for businesses to interact with customers, and for customers to stay updated with anything new that came out from the businesses. Businesses were able to increase their brand awareness th

Blog v Wiki

The Internet has greatly changed the technology world, and society in general. It's become so easily available to the world that it's hard to not have access to the Internet. With the development of new media, society tends to spend a tremendous amount of time on the web. Blogs and Wikis are forms of new media that work to provide information on a particular topic with the public through the internet. They are both great sources of free information when you need more insight on a particular subject. Today, a majority of businesses usually have some sort of blog, and blogging is now even considered a career choice. According to Kathy E. Gill's How can we measure the influence of the blogosphere , the characteristics of blogs include: reverse chronological journaling, regular date-stamped entries, links to related news articles, documents, blogs entries with each entry, archived entries, links to related blogs, RSS or XML feed, and lastly, passion. Overall, blogs act as per

Self-Sexualization Vs. Body Positivity Through the Eyes of Social Media

For my project I decided to focus on Self-Sexualization Vs. Body Positivity through the eyes of social media. Over the years, the fight against female sexualization has gained more awareness. Along with it, came the concept of body positivity, and loving your body despite what it looks like and whether or not it's up to society's "standards." However, with the increased usage of social media platforms, especially Instagram, the barriers between sexualization and body positivity have become less defined. For this research topic, I want to raise the question of why certain parts of the body must be censored, whereas other parts are allowed to be shown on these social media platforms. How does Instagram and other social media platforms evaluate what's too revealing? Does body positivity actually help fight against female sexualization or does it make matters worse? I want to show opinions and experiences from various people on body image through social media. I also