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Interactive holographic technology is going to be the next big thing. Holography is a photographic technique that uses light (ie. lasers) to produce a recording in a three-dimensional form. Many companies that produce holograms are doing a lot of research to create an innovative and immersive experience for its users. This means that holograms won't just be projections, but a technology that we can interact with and move. Technology like this will be useful in many industries, especially medicine. I imagine this type of technology to be extremely useful in medical schools and hospitals, where they can simulate medical situations and surgeries. Further in the future, I imagine this technology to be available to everyone in industries such as social media and video games. Holography has great potential, and I can't wait to see the innovations engineers will create with it.


  1. I also believe that interactive holographic technology is something that can drastically change the way people interact with each other in the upcoming future. It is something that has already been used in the entertainment industry as people have been able to see concerts performed by the likes of those who passed away such as Tupac and Michael Jackson. I'd imagine it will be revolutionizing many industries as you mentioned and will allow for companies to really stretch their limits on the services they will be able to offer!

  2. I think holographic technology might be very exciting for the entertainment industry. This technology has been commonly portrayed in movies, so it will be interesting to see how we use it now that it is actually being developed.

  3. Hi Veronica, I agree that interactive holographic technology will be widely used in the near future, especially with the current pandemic changings people's lives both in person and technologically! I also liked how you mentioned that schools should use holograms, as it would definitely change the way students learn, if not increase their knowledge.

  4. Hi Veronica,

    I also foresee the use of holographic technology in the future. I believe it will change our lives completely as it will eliminate the need for unnecessary social gatherings.


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