Self-Sexualization Vs. Body Positivity Through the Eyes of Social Media

For my project I decided to focus on Self-Sexualization Vs. Body Positivity through the eyes of social media. Over the years, the fight against female sexualization has gained more awareness. Along with it, came the concept of body positivity, and loving your body despite what it looks like and whether or not it's up to society's "standards." However, with the increased usage of social media platforms, especially Instagram, the barriers between sexualization and body positivity have become less defined. For this research topic, I want to raise the question of why certain parts of the body must be censored, whereas other parts are allowed to be shown on these social media platforms. How does Instagram and other social media platforms evaluate what's too revealing? Does body positivity actually help fight against female sexualization or does it make matters worse? I want to show opinions and experiences from various people on body image through social media. I also want to focus on the history of sexualization and feminist movements such as #freethenipple campaign. I plan to relate this to how social media causes differentiating views on body image. Overall, my goal for this project is too show how social media paints a gray area when it comes to body image.


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