
Showing posts from April, 2020

Blog: Wiki So Far

Although I haven't contributed to the class Wiki page yet, there are a couple of the main pages that I'm interested in, which are Photography and Dance. Photography and dance are my favorite hobbies and with the COVID-19 pandemic, it's been difficult to participate in these activities. However, I've been researching ways in developing these hobbies through the Internet or within my home. With my research, I plan on adding sections to the pages such as "Online Dance Sources" for the Dance page and "Photo Editing Software" for the Photography page where I will discuss Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom.

Blog: P2P

Frequent users of the internet have most likely come across the term "P2P," which is an abbreviation for peer-to-peer. P2P is mainly used to help computers and devices work collaboratively as well as share resources. One of the most common P2P networks is file sharing. According to Jamie King's article, "Take Advantage of P2P - not fear it," file sharing is the transmission of computer data between two computer parties over a network or the Internet. It provides efficiency to its users by allowing them to simultaneously work on the same document despite the person's location or computer access. A subdivision of file sharing is P2P file sharing. This lets users access files through a software program that searches and locates the wanted file from computers that contain that file. An example of P2P file sharing is Limewire. This software lets users search, share and download files from the Internet. Other examples include Gnutella, eMule, and Shareaza.


How can Baruch use new media? With the COVID-19 pandemic suddenly changing the education environment, I have to give some credit to Baruch in its success at implementing distance learning. Baruch already offers a good amount of classes that take place either partially online or fully online. However, there are many things Baruch can do to make better use of technology and thrive in this digital age. Innovative Content Curation Baruch College has accounts on all the main social media platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. However, their content doesn't do so much to attract potential students. They need to curate content that will get students interested more in the school. Some ideas would be making a video collage of current students sharing their experiences at Baruch, or even marketing Baruch's clubs is engaging. Webinars Thanks to online conferences like Zoom and streaming services like Twitch, it's easy to have a virtual lesson or webinar


"What goes on the Internet, stays on the Internet." It's a saying we've all heard and know too well.  We all have the right to have some secrecy about our personal information but unfortunately, a ny information or photos put on the Internet is always at risk of being revealed to the public. If you think that you have privacy on social media, well then think again. Internet privacy does not exist. When you're shopping for new clothes, posting a picture on Instagram, or even talking to your friend about how you want to travel to Greece, your audience is much bigger than you think. Many third-party applications store and collect your data using what is called cookies. You probably noticed that most of the sites you visit often have a banner that says something along the lines of "this site uses cookies to better your experience" and then you have the choice to either accept the cookies or reject them. You can thank the Cookie Law for this one. In May